Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fireworks Therapy

This painting was made for my friend Corey's music project, A Happy Gatsby. He's releasing a new album called Fireworks Therapy in the near future. Definitely check out his bandcamp site for his last album and for updates for his new album.

Monday, March 24, 2014


This is a dorky gouache painting I did a while ago. The kitties are loosely based on my cats, Igor and Coltrane. Meow.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Calendar: March

The rest of the calendar is available to download for free here.
Just print it out, cut the pages in half, and punch a hole at the top.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cat-Beard Pattern

This past Halloween I got swept up in the crazy cat-loving internet world of cat beards, and decided to make my own cat beard costume from felt. I found this great DIY gnome beard pattern and altered it to make my cat beard. You can download my PDF template here. You'll have to print on two separate sheets of paper to get the right size. If you have trouble doing this, please let me know, as this is my first time trying to share a file on Blogger. I embroidered a fur pattern onto my beard, but you could customize your cat beard however you like. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Christmas Elephant Card

I designed this Christmas card for a friend, and it will be available to purchase for Christmas 2014 from my Etsy shop, which will soon be updated with some Valentines Day cards and a few more items. I hope everyone's holiday season was a happy one, full of things like fuzzy cats and Parks and Recreation marathons (and family, friends, peace, joy, blah blah blah). I'm looking forward to this new year a lot; I think it'll be a good one. Meow!

Adventures in Bleach Painting

Recently I've been playing around with bleach painting and sketch embroidery on my sewing machine. Here are a few beanbag dolls I made. Notice the super awesome bug fabric that looks like innocent ol' polka dots from a distance.

Also, for Christmas I bleach-painted a sasquatch onto a T-shirt for my brother, who is currently madly in love with the show Finding Big Foot. My cute squatchy boyfriend is modeling the shirt.

When I bleach paint something, I find it's best to first plot out what I want it to look like. For lighter colored fabrics I use a soft leaded pencil, and for darker fabrics I use chalk. I recommend using a paintbrush with synthetic bristles to lay down the bleach-- the bleach will eat away natural bristles. Also, I dilute my bleach with water so the reaction time is slower. Paint the areas that you want to be the lightest first (the longer you leave bleach on, the lighter it will be), and lay down bleach on the areas where you only want a subtle tone shift last. I recommend painting near a sink so you can quickly throw on some soap and water as soon as you've achieved the tones you want. Bleach will behave a bit like watercolor, in that if you wet an area with water before laying down the bleach, it will spread out, whereas if you lay it down on dry fabric, it will generally stick to where your brush touched the fabric (it won't spread very much). Also, if you want to bleach-paint a shirt, make sure to put something between the front and the back to keep the bleach from leaking through. I just used a piece of cardboard. You can repeat the process as many times as you like, though I recommend fully drying your fabric between paintings.