Saturday, December 1, 2012

Body Two

I finished this drawing the other day. If you're offended by tiny silver penises, shield your peepers.

"Body 2" 12x12" Crayon, marker, faux stainless steel contact paper
Also, I started a blog dedicated to the street art of Baltimore. Check it out:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sketchbook pages: kitty lovin'

A few pages from my sketchbook featuring human on kitty love:

And a pic of me and Igor and Cleo, featuring some human on kitty on kitty lovin':

Friday, October 19, 2012

School 33 Baltimore Open Studio Tour Kick-Off Party

Some of my drawings are up for sale at Avenue Antiques (located at 901 West 36th Street. Baltimore, Maryland 21211) for the School 33's Open Studio Tour Kick-Off Party tonight. My drawings will be exhibited for a week. I'll also be selling some greeting cards and postcards tonight, so stop on by and say 'hi!' The event starts at 5, and there will be live music, beer, and lots o' art (see the map below for the locations of all the art spots).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ich will mehr von alles

I traveled to Berlin last month to visit my sister. While there I played around with a little postcard project, and sent them to myself as souvenirs. Apparently my attempt at German on the backside of some of these was pretty terrible... apologies.

I'm thinking of turning this into a little side project. One of these days I plan to have an etsy site to sell some of my drawings and greeting cards, and perhaps I'll offer some cheap modified postcards as well that I'll send directly to whoever for 5 or 10 dollars, however much materials and a stamp costs. It's an idea I need to flesh out more, but it might be a fun way to sell some original drawings in a more casual, interactive, non-serious way.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

On the Train, In Love

On the Train, In Love
8 x 8.5" collage w/ creatures on faux stainless steel contact paper and a crayon heart on a Post-It note

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Creature in Faux Stainless Steel


A new drawing I made for a juried show, the theme of which is "Glitz." Materials are crayon, marker, and faux stainless steel contact paper.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tonight! Big Show Big Party at the Creative Alliance

Tonight is the opening of the annual Big Show at the Creative Alliance. My "Worm and the Apple" drawing will be there (as will I).
$5 for general public, free for members
3134 Eastern Ave., Baltimore MD 21224

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Post-Apocalyptic Gathering of the In-Group

I finished this drawing last night to submit to a juried show, the theme of which is the Apocalypse.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Heart Camping!!!

One of our cats went missing recently, so I was completely and totally consumed with finding him, hanging posters, stuffing flyers into my neighbors' doors, placing craigslist ads, going to shelters and veterinarians, etc. Finally one of my neighbors found him and called me. We brought him home where he has a steady food supply and little-to-no threat of an immediate and bloody death, yet as soon as he was inside he wanted back out. You could say he has a passion for nature. If he were a man I'd have a magnificent crush on him; instead, he's a cat.

Monday, February 20, 2012

sperm and dinosuar related greeting cards

I drew this little dude/dudette, and (s)he kinda looks like sperm, so I was thinking of turning the drawing idea into a "It's a Boy/Girl" greeting card. But first I need to get up the guts to dish out some cash to buy a new printer. In the meantime I've been trying to continue along the dinosaur greeting card theme with this guy:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine/Anniversary/Saying 'Hi' Greeting Card

I turned my Draw a Dinosaur drawing into a greeting card. I'm (hopefully) printing them tomorrow, and will try to have them up on Etsy soon, along with some original drawings for sale.